Keep Your Plant Up and Running by Learning the Answers to These Questions.
- How do I assess what spare components I need to keep on hand at my facility?
- How do I find a partner who is willing to stock components I will need in emergency situations?
- How do I find replacement components specific to my industry?
- How do I deal with components which have become obsolete? Who can cross obsolete components to get my machine running again?
- How do I deal with obsolete components before they become an issue?
- Who can I turn to when my automation line is down?
- How can I find a partner who is willing to invest in knowing my needs/business/industry?
- How can I replace my custom motor control center (MCC) buckets?
- How do I add resilience and redundancy to my system and equipment?
AIC Can Help Get You the Right Answers To Keep Your Plant State of the Art.
- How do I find new technologies?
- Who can help me implement this new automation project?
- How can I implement technologies I’ve seen in other manufacturing plants?
- How can I remotely access my machines and automation systems without being on-site?
- How do I collect and utilize data from my automation line?
- What is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0, and how can I use them to improve my operations?
- How can I monitor my motor control center (MCC) or switchgear from my SCADA system?

Don’t Struggle With Increased Operating Costs. Find the Answers To Keeping Your Facility in the Black.
- Who can handle supply contracts for commodity items such as connectors, fuses, switches, and other high usage items?
- How can variable frequency drives (VFDs) save energy?
- How can I monitor the energy usage in my motor control center (MCC) or switchgear?
- How can I reduce my electricity costs? - Rittal Free Energy Audit can reduce energy consumption for your control panels through targeted, proactive maintenance and cooling optimization. - ABB Free Energy Audit can reduce energy utilization options for motors.
Let AIC Get You to the Right Answers To Reduce the Time Required To Maintain Your Plant and Automation Lines.
- Where can I consolidate suppliers to lower my time searching for replacement parts and receive my parts faster?
- How do I know if my switchgear is failing?
- How can adding a soft starter or variable frequency drive (VFD) lower the maintenance on my equipment?
- How can I reduce component failure on my automation line? - i. Rittal Free Energy Audit can identify failing components or replacement filter needs before excess heat causes critical components to fail. - ii. ABB Free Energy Audit can extend the life of motors and mechanical equipment through efficient machinery operation.

Find the Help You Need To Support Your Maintenance and Operations Teams. AIC Has the Answers!
- How do I build a competent team to technically support projects internally?
- Who can I turn to when I need support with advanced programming and integration projects?
- How can I train my personnel to understand the electrical components?
- Where can I find a partner willing to understand my facility and our business needs?
- How do I schedule a lunch and learn about key components and manufacturers?
- How do I become knowledgeable about new technologies and components?
- Who can teach me about soft starters or reduced voltage soft starters (RVSS), and variable frequency drives (VFDs)?
Don’t Become Overwhelmed by the Details of Your Facility Expansion. AIC Has the Answers!
- How do I design and size my switchgear?
- How do I expand my motor control center (MCC)?
- Can I install a variable frequency drive (VFD) into my MCC?
- What is the difference between a motor starter, soft starter, or reduced voltage soft starter (RVSS), and variable frequency drive (VFD)?
- Who can help me configure my power distribution panel?
- When should I be concerned about surge protective devices?
- Who can help me understand the environmental seal ratings for enclosures?
- Why should I be concerned about my motor starting method, and how does it affect motor life and maintenance?
- Who can help me design and build custom industrial control panels?
- Do I need to be concerned with UL certifications or UL508A certified industrial control panels?