Looking for Expert Control Systems Engineering?

UL-508A-Panel-Shop-Staff ABB VFD Pump Control Panels

Find a Partner Focused on Your Needs. AIC Fits the Bill!

  • Who can help me write a strong control system specification?
  • Who can commission a VFD or control system on my customers’ sites?
  • How do I test and measure my power loads?
  • How do I reduce my operating cost?
  • How do I reduce my production costs?
  • Who can quickly and directly support my engineering and sales teams without wading through manufacturer support queues?

Let AIC Help You Find the Answer for the Best Control Systems Engineering.

  • How do I get factory authorized training?
  • How do I schedule a factory-authorized startup?
  • How do I arrange for extended warranties on the VFD and full control panel?
  • How do I find a partner willing to coordinate with other trades?
  • How do I minimize system harmonics?
  • What are the penalties for not meeting IEEE standards?
      • Poor system performance
      • Poor generator stability
      • Excessive power usage
      • Excessive equipment heating
      • Oversizing of generator/transformer - rightsizing
Siemens-S7-1200-PLC-TIA-Portal-Screen-Shots Pump Control Panel

Maintain Expertise in Your Industry. AIC Can Help!

  • Where can I find licensing and professional development hours (PDH)?
  • How do I arrange for lunch and learns and other product-specific training?
  • How do I introduce my team to new technologies and products?
  • How do we add more features and benefits to the system?

AIC Has the Knowledge To Integrate Your Control System With Your Existing System.

  • What sensors do I need, and what control methods need to be tied into those sensors?
  • Who will handle programming?
  • How will the new system interact with the SCADA system already in place?
  • What are the communications protocols needed between devices? What data will be flowing back and forth between the devices?
  • Can I add remote access or remote control?
UL-508A-Panel-Shop NEMA 4X Pump Control Panel

You Can Retrofit Your System To Improve Performance. Let AIC Give You the Tools for Success.

  • How do I modernize my existing equipment?
  • How do I bring my equipment up to the current code and requirements?
  • How do I maintain product safety when retrofitting my existing system?
  • How do I meet local, state, and federal electrical codes?
  • Do I need a UL508A control panel?

Don’t Struggle To Accommodate Resilience Into Your Control Design. AIC Can Help You Find Direction.

  • How do I design resilience on the front end?
  • How do I create backup systems and backup controls?
  • How do I simplify my backup system and reduce risk in my system design?
  • How do I protect my system from common failure modes?

Ready To Speak With an Engineering Expert?